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Abuse. Ongoing trauma. Low self-esteem. Boxed in by pain. Fragile hearts, broken and darkened._edite

When we experience traumatic events, often in childhood, our brains code these memories according to our perception of events forming self limiting core beliefs. "I am bad", "I am powerless", "It's not safe to feel". Through bilateral stimulation (eye movement, tapping, sound) our brains can reprocess events from our past with what is true now. "I am good", "I can control what I can", "It is safe to feel" etc.. Present triggers point us back to earlier events that shaped us and our experiences going forward. When we reprocess these memories the effects generalize out, spontaneously recoding an entire trauma network. Sometimes by working with present situations we unearth stored pain we did not know was there. Through EMDR processing, stored trauma can be released and the result is freedom

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