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I am an EMDR trained, trauma informed, anti-racist, contemplative therapist with a Master degree in Clinical Psychology who has been working in private practice since 2019.  I hold a 3-6 Early Childhood Montessori Certification, and have specialized training for working with LGBTQIA individuals with focus on Transgender Health. I am also the parent of a transgender child, and have worked with Lurie Children's hospital as a parent and a professional. In 2012 I trained as a Hatha yoga instructor. Yoga is a pathway to regulating heart rate and getting into your body. Trauma disconnects us from our bodies and mindfulness exercises like yoga, breath work and meditation teach our brains and systems to calm down.


EMDR is a technique it is also an approach that is ever present in my therapy work. Beliefs formed earlier in life continue to effect our reactions and perceptions of life and I am always looking out for stored body trauma to be let go.


I am passionate about supporting trauma survivors. Not all abusers hit, and rage is as traumatizing as physical violence. There is a way through and out. Living closeted causes trauma and PTSD and narcissistic abuse will follow you from childhood to the grave. In my work I have found dissociative disorders to be far more common than people realize and very easy to miss especially in teens. Dissociative Identity Disorder is a complex high functioning defense mechanism. Whether they are your alters, parts, teammates, headmates, they are all there to help you. Some of them developed maladaptive coping skills out of necessity and they want to learn better skills. Speaking our hidden struggle aloud is the first step towards its healing.

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